
To edit the blog page edit pages/

The blog page uses the layout: blog

The blog page automatically lists post content from the posts collection _collections/posts

The blog is a fully featured Jekyll blog

  • pagination
  • categories
  • authors


# pages/
layout: blog
title: Blog
description: "The latest news and opinions"
permalink: "/blog/"
header_transparent: false
  enabled: true

  enabled: false
  heading: "Blog"
  sub_heading: ""
  background_image: "assets/images/services/nastuh-abootalebi-yWwob8kwOCk-unsplash.jpg"
  background_image_blend_mode: "overlay"


The frontmatter section hero is optional. They allow you to enhance the design with extra info above and below the list of services in the middle of the page.

To remove a section simply delete the frontmatter field or set enabled: false


This theme uses the jekyll-paginate gem.

Global pagination config

You can configure more pagination settings in the _config.yml

# _config.yaml

paginate: 3
paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/"