The Grid section allows you to display a grid of other content. You can control the number of columns, limit and sort order. Choose the card layout you want to use.
Grid section displaying the “feature” content type using a 6 column grid and the default card layout.
- template: grid
paddingTop: true # true/false
paddingBottom: true # true/false
borderTop: false # true/false
borderBottom: false # true/false
theme: base-offset # "base", "base-offset", "primary", "primary-offset" - Uses color variables from `data/themes.json` to theme the section
classes: "" # "my-class my-class-2" - Add custom classes to the section div for custom CSS styling
heading: Build Fast, Ship Fast
contentType: features # "features", "partners", "posts" - The id of another content type.
sortBy: weight # "weight", "date" or any front-matter value - Sort the grid
align: left # "left", "right", "center" - Align the grid
columns: 6 # 1 to 12 - Grid is based on 12 columns. For example setting 6 columns would display 2 cards per row
columnsMobile: 12 # 1 to 12 - Changes the column size for mobile viewport
limit: 4 # 1 to X - Limits the number of cards shown
card: # set the card style
partial: "card" # "card", "card-row", "card-image-only" or any file from the `layouts/partials/cards/` folder - Choose the card layout template
shadow: false # true/false - Add a shadow to the card
border: false # true/false - Add a border to the card
padding: true # true/false - Add or remove padding from card
showTitle: true # true/false
showTitleLink: true # true/false
showDescription: true # true/false
showDate: false # true/false - Show/hide the contents publish date
showThumbnail: true # true/false - Show/hide the thumbnail image
showThumbnailLink: true # true/false