
The about page uses the layout: basic

The about page is just an example of using the basic layout. You can create as many basic pages as you like.

To create a basic page simple add a new file to the pages folder ie src/my-new-page.md and set the frontmatter layout: basic. You can specify the URL of the page using permalink: "/my-fancy-page"


# src/about.md
layout: basic
title: "About Us"
date: 2018-11-28T15:15:34+10:00
header_transparent: false
permalink: "/about/"
description: "Business plan hackathon handshake responsive web design."
image: "https://source.unsplash.com/VBLHICVh-lI/640x360"

  enabled: false
  heading: "About Us"
  sub_heading: "Business plan hackathon handshake responsive web design."
  background_image: "https://source.unsplash.com/VBLHICVh-lI/2000x1125"
  background_image_blend_mode: false
  full_height_mobile: false
    enabled: false
      - text: "Buy Now"
        url: "https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/11ty-advance/"
        external: true
        fa_icon: false
        size: large